zaterdag 6 september 2008

Last week at home

The last week in the Netherlands.
During my last week in the Netherlands I'll try to enjoy the company of family and friends as much as possible. I'm looking forward on my departure on friday with mixed feelings. I'm exited to see what the adventure which lays ahead will turn out to be, but at the same time I'm having a hard time leaving the people I love behind for a few months.

I hope I can remain in contact with as many friends and family as possible, because I'm sure that I'll be glad to go home eventually!

Now let's not start getting emotional, I'll be back in a bit.

Possibly 'till some day next week and otherwhise I'll see you in five months.


6 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Finely he's gone! I got a very emotional mail from Daan (as the best future sone-in-law)He sure is a bit of a slimeball. But anyway we'll mis him! Good luck and good journey.

Anoniem zei

well I know who that anonymous person is. I'll ask him how much his anonymous identity is worth to him!?
So Wim tell me!!!
Daan have fun, but also be serious. And come back in good health. We love you.
xx Dé

Anoniem zei

Hi Nephew Daan,

How was the trip to Hong Kong and how were the first days in the far east?

Sas and I miss you already. Enjoy it there and we hope to hear soon from you.

XX Sas en Hans

Anoniem zei

Hey Sas en Hans
het mag gewoon in het Nederlands hoor!!!
Anders verleert hij dat.
Hey Daniel hoest daar?? Hier alles oké. Nee ik mis je nog niet, ge bent ook net weg. Effe rust hier ppff.
Ik hoorde vandaag dat de marathon van eindhoven door de Zilvermeeuwlaan komt. Of ik daar nu zo blij mee ben ...?
Spreken elkaar.

Anoniem zei

Hee Daantje!

Hoessie daar aan de andere kant van de oceaan..??
Hoop dat je het een beetje naar je zin hebt en blijft hebben!

Succes en veel plezier!


Anoniem zei

daantje red je het daar wel zonder mij? of zal ik je komen opzoeken? op kosten van mijn vader misschien?
zie je op skype!!
XXX liefs